Healthcare Heroes exhibition
If you'd like to see more portraits of NHS staff across the country, then visit Healthcare Heroes, a virtual exhibition of over 700 portraits submitted through artist Tom Croft's #PortraitsForNHSHeroes project.
The exhibition, brought together by Paintings in Hospitals, Tom Croft and Google Arts & Culture, not only shows a range of portraits but also includes the experiences of NHS staff and stories about what the portraits meant to them.
Butterfly Rainbow
Renowned artist Damien Hirst has created a beautiful limited edition artwork to thank hospital staff. He has gifted prints to 50 hospitals across the country, and we're delighted to receive a copy for all the hard working staff at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
The print, in the shape of a rainbow, incorporates imagery of butterfly wings into iridescent bands of colour.

Damien Hirst's 'Butterfly Rainbow' lifts spirits
Diagrams Are A Girl's Best Friend
Artist Adam Dant has created a new print to celebrate the bicentenary of Florence Nightingale and to benefit Oxford Hospitals Charity.

'Diagrams Are A Girl's Best Friend' succinctly and colourfully commemorates Florence Nightingale's pioneering work as a statistician. This new limited edition print by artist Adam Dant, has been produced in anticipation of his collaboration with the University of Oxford's Department of Statistics to promote public engagement with statistics and infectious disease epidemiology.
Funds from the sale of this special print will support Oxford Hospitals Charity.
The prints are on sale for £125 each and have been produced in a limited edition of 100. Common to Adam Dant's unusual methods as a printmaker, the medium for the print was a piece of antique linoleum from the old Middlesex Hospital where Florence Nightingale worked as a nurse during the cholera outbreak in Broad Street, Soho in 1854.
For further details and information on how to purchase a print see:
Tag Fine Arts - Adam Dant