Arts for wellbeing - create
At a time when most of our arts programme were on hold because musicians and artists could no longer visit our hospitals, we created a page of creative links to help us all relax and unwind.
Draw your story
Be inspired by artist, illustrator, mapmaker, storyteller and wordsmith Vic Lee to draw your own story of living through these unprecedented times. Watch Vic Lee's Storytelling Project on Youtube.
Do a Daily Doodle
Follow the Royal Academy's #RADailyDoodle Challenge on Twitter. Doodling isn't a modern phenomenon - artists have been letting their minds wander, distracted in meetings or at dinner, for centuries.
@royalacademy on Twitter
Make an origami flower
Dr Lizzie Burns, who delivers bedside origami sessions to patients in our hospitals, is offering some moments of calm and focus for wellbeing through origami.
View her live origami folds at 2.00pm on Wednesdays on Youtube.
Dr Lizzie Burns on YouTube
Write your story
Watch a series of creative writing masterclasses from author Margaret Attwood. There's a charge for these classes so these are for the fully committed but the trailer has some useful tips to get started with writing, here.
The BBC has free resources on their Writers Room website including their Strong Scripts series of helpful guides to scriptwriting.
Learn calligraphy
Develop new skills in hand lettering with a free online course from, and create beautiful scripts.
How to Hand Letter - mini course
Research your local history
To research family or local history, visit the Oxfordshire History Centre website.
There are historic photos of Oxfordshire, and oral history recordings at and the Historic England website.
You can find Oxfordshire people on the National Portrait Gallery website.
Local historian Liz Wooley has recorded a lecture about how to do local history research.
Family How To
Inspired by the Royal Academy's world-class exhibitions, leading artists and architects have created a brilliant range of activities for you and your family.
Family How To - Royal Academy
Home page link box image credits

From 'La Nature', issue 621, 25 April 1885. Engraving by Emile and Auguste Tilly, design by Charles Gilbert-Martin.
Scanned by Michel Grand.