Blood tests
If you have been told that your child needs a blood test, please follow the instructions on this page.
Scroll down for guidance on how to apply numbing cream.
Oxford Children's Hospital
Children's Outpatients Phlebotomy Clinic
Please do not telephone to book an appointment - please visit:
Book appointment | Children's Phlebotomy JR - MyDrDoctor
If you are unable to use the website please contact us.
If your GP has told you that the blood test requires fasting or is urgent they will know how to book this.
What to bring
Bring the GP request form, genetics form or the paper form your requesting Consultant has given you.
We cannot do the blood test without the paper form: if you haven't been given one, please contact the Consultant's Secretary.
Additional needs and concerns
If your child is anxious or scared about having the blood test done, or has additional needs and would benefit from the input of a Play Specialist, please contact the Play Specialists at Oxford Children's Hospital.
Oxford Children's Hospital Play Specialists:
Please include any relevant details such as a previous bad experience, sensory issues etc., as well as your child's name, date of birth and appointment date and they will get back to you.
Find and contact us
Phlebotomy clinic
Children's Outpatients
LG1, Children's Hospital (John Radcliffe Hospitals site)
Headley Way
Oxford OX3 9DU
Tel: 01865 231111
How to find the John Radcliffe Hospital (if driving, please allow plenty of time to park).
Horton General Hospital
Children's Outpatients Phlebotomy Clinic
Please do not telephone to book an appointment - please visit:
Book appointment | Children's Phlebotomy Horton - MyDrDoctor
If you are unable to use the website please contact us.
If your GP has told you that the blood test requires fasting or is urgent they will know how to book this.
What to bring
Bring the GP request form, genetics form or the paper form your requesting Consultant has given you.
We cannot do the blood test without the paper form: if you haven't been given one, please contact the Consultant's Secretary.
Additional needs and concerns
If your child is anxious or scared about having the blood test done, or has additional needs and would benefit from the input of a Play Specialist, please contact the Play Specialists on the Horton Children's Ward.
Hannah Gilkes (Horton General Hospital only, for JR please see above):
Please include any relevant details such as a previous bad experience, sensory issues etc., as well as your child's name, date of birth and appointment date and they will get back to you.
We do not have a Play Specialist in the department, or present during the blood test.
Find us and contact us
Phlebotomy Clinic
Children's Outpatients
Horton General Hospital
OX16 9AL
Tel: 01295 224162
How to find the Horton General Hospital (if driving, please allow plenty of time to park).
This clinic is for children up to their 16th birthday only.
Preparing for a blood test
Ensure that your child is well hydrated - ideally they should drink two to three cups of water before the blood test, as this makes it easier to find the vein.
Numbing cream
The numbing cream must be applied one hour before your child's appointment.
If a blood test has been requested by your GP, they will prescribe this cream for you - make sure they do so before the appointment date, in case there is an issue with supply.
If a blood test has been requested by a Consultant, the numbing cream will be prescribed for you to collect from the hospital Pharmacy. It can be bought from a Pharmacy.
Applying the cream
You will need:
- the numbing cream- 'Lidocaine + Prilocaine' or 'Ametop'
- four strips of cling film.
Do not rub the cream in, as this means it will not work. Do not worry about spreading the cream, as when the cling film is applied, the pressure will do this.
The cream needs to be applied to all four areas as below, which should then be wrapped with cling film to secure the cream.
The backs of both hands:
The inside of both elbows:

When finished your child should look like this:

Please do not use sticky patches as they can hurt when removed and the cream does not spread as well.
If your child has a reaction to the cream, e.g. itching, please remove the cream from that area and wash with soap and water.
If your child is very young, and you are worried that they may pull the cling film off, please put a long-sleeved top on them and gloves or socks on their hands to try to stop them from doing so.
The Phlebotomist will remove the cling film and any cream that is left on.
Feel free to bring in any comfort object such as a teddy, blanket or dummy. Some distraction activities like 'Where's Wally' are available, but please bring your own tablet / toy / book as appropriate.
Perhaps watch CBeebies on iPlayer or a Dr Ranj video if you think it will help your child.
Adult Phlebotomy
For patients over the age of 16, please visit Phlebotomy (blood tests).
Last reviewed:05 March 2024