SAS Doctors and Dentists
These pages are dedicated to the career development and continuing professional development (CPD) of all Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) doctors working within the Oxford University Hospitals.
Until recently there has been little formal career stucture for this group of doctors, however, with the publication of recent documents such as the Charter and Maximising the Potential, things are starting to change.
General documents
A charter for SAS doctors was produced by the British Medical Association (BMA), NHS Employers (NHSE), Health Education England (HEE) and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) in 2014, setting out what SAS doctors can expect from their employers and what employers can expect of them.
The SAS Charter - British Medical Association
An SAS doctor development guide was produced by the BMA, NHSE, HEE and the AoMRC in 2020.
SAS doctor development - summary of resources and further work
Maximising the Potential was produced by the BMA, NHSE, HEE, AoMRC, NHS Improvement (NHSI) and provider organisations in February 2019 to provide guidance on what the NHS should be doing to support SAS doctors.
Maximising the Potential: essential measures to support SAS doctors - Health Education England
The GMC commissioned research about disproportionality in reporting of fitness to practice concerns to the GMC among certain groups of doctors, including SAS doctors, and looked at how to reduce this (June 2019):
Fair to refer? Reducing disproportionality in fitness to practise concerns reported to the GMC (pdf) - GMC
The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges SAS web page has links to several useful papers.
SAS doctors -
GMC SAS and LED survey 2019
Specialty, associate specialist and locally employed doctors workplace experiences survey: initial findings report (pdf)
Full results of the 2019 survey with breakdown by area and specialty can be seen using the online reporting tool.
Autonomous practice
BMA guidance on autonomous practice:
Guidance template for the development of autonomous practice for SAS doctors and dentists (pdf) - BMA
Autonomous practice application form (application starts on page 9):
SAS Medical Autonomous Practice Privileges Procedure (pdf, 408 KB)
The previous mentoring scheme is no longer available, but we are looking for ways to provide access to mentoring for SAS doctors.
If you are interested in receiving or providing coaching/mentoring, please contact the SAS tutor.
SAS development fund
All SAS doctors are entitled to an annual study leave budget from their department according to the OUH study leave policy. This is currently around £400 per year.
If you have exhausted this, the local SAS development fund can meet expenses up to £400. To apply, please use the form at the link below.
Application for SAS Development Fund (for SAS doctors only) (Word, 119 KB)
HEE provides some funds for SAS development that are managed at the regional level. This covers provision of courses open to all SAS in the region, as well as a bursary scheme for individual funding for costs over £400.
There are calls for bursary applications two to three times per year, which can assist with the costs of suitable developmental opportunities in excess of your Trust study leave budget, including study for postgraduate qualifications.
Information about courses and bursary calls are circulated by email to all registered SAS doctors and dentists.
SAS information
Specialty associations and colleges
Many colleges and specialty associations have specific resources and support for SAS.
Some of these are listed below and may be relevant to SAS in all specialties.
SAS and Specialty Doctors - Royal College of Anaesthetists
SAS Handbook 2023 - Association of Anaesthetists
Staff, Associate Specialist and Specialty Doctor Committee - RCPCH
RCPCH produced a report on SAS doctors working in child health based on the 2017 census (May 2019):
2017 workforce census: focus onSpecialty, Associate Specialist and Staff Grade doctors (pdf) - RCPCH
Obstetrics and gynaecology
SAS and LE Doctors - Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
SAS Doctors - Royal College of Ophthalmologists
Specialty and associate specialist (SAS) doctors - Royal College of Physicians London
SAS Doctors - Royal College of Pathologists
Emergency medicine
Emergency Medicine Specialty and Specialist Doctors (EMSAS) - Royal College of Emergency Medicine
SAS Doctors Network - Royal College of Radiologists
Contact us
Your SAS tutor is Miss Helen Jones.
The SAS administrator is Aisling Hennessy.
Last reviewed:10 December 2024