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Clinical Haematology

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Myeloma and Plasma-cell Dyscrasia Service

The Myeloma Service is based in the Cancer and Haematology Centre at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford.

We also provide services at the Horton General Hospital.

We provide specialist services for people with multiple myeloma from the Oxford region and across the Thames Valley. Your care will be provided by a team of national and international experts in myeloma treatment, and Nurse Specialists with many years of experience caring for people with myeloma.

We know how stressful it is for people to find out they have myeloma and aim to provide you with all the support you need during this time. A Nurse Specialist will see you at your first appointment. We will talk to you and those close to you about your diagnosis and possible treatment. We will provide you with information to take home and read. You can contact your Nurse Specialist at any time if you have further questions.

All people with a new diagnosis of myeloma are discussed at our weekly multidisciplinary team (MDT) meetings. Pathologists, Radiologists, Nurses, Consultant Haematologists and Oncologists will discuss your care.

Our team


  • Dr Jaimal Kothari
  • Dr Karthik Ramasamy
  • Dr Sarah Gooding

Nurse Specialists

  • Lisa Ferguson
  • Pamela Roberts

For more information please visit: Clinical Nurse Specialists

Myeloma Specialty Pharmacist

Dr Faouzi Djebbari

Myeloma Secretary

Hannah Andrushenko


Your treatment for myeloma is most likely to be a combination of different drugs.

For more information about these treatments please visit:

Treating myeloma - Myeloma UK

Outpatient Clinic

You will see us regularly in our Outpatient Clinic. Some of these appointments will be over the telephone.

For more information please see:

Video and telephone appointments (pdf)

Face to face outpatient appointments are held in the Outpatient Department in the Cancer and Haematology Centre at the Churchill Hospital.

The Myeloma Service has clinics at the following times:

  • Tuesdays 10.00am - 1.00pm
  • Wednesdays 2.00pm - 5.00pm
  • Fridays 1.30pm - 4.30pm

Bone Health Clinic

Second Tuesday afternoon of the month.

Blood tests

We will ask you to have blood tests shortly before your clinic appointments. This is the case for both face to face and telephone appointments. You can have blood tests at the hospital or at your GP surgery. We will provide you with blood test forms.

Day Treatment Unit (DTU)

The Day Treatment Unit is where people go for treatments such as chemotherapy, antibody therapy and blood transfusions.

For more information please visit: Day Treatment Unit

We also offer day treatments in the Brodey Centre at the Horton General Hospital

Haematology Ward

Some people with myeloma will require admission to hospital for part of their treatment.

For more information please visit: Haematology Ward

Ambulatory Care Unit

Some people with myeloma will have treatment in the Ambulatory Care Unit (ACU). The ACU is a four bed unit on Level 1 of the Cancer and Haematology Centre.

Some treatments require extra monitoring, or are given in higher doses. The ACU allows you to have some or all of these treatments without being admitted to hospital. You will be able to stay in your own home, or our hospital-based flat. You will travel to ACU each day for treatment and assessment.

ACU treatment is not suitable for everyone. Your consultant will advise you about whether your treatment might be suitable for ACU.


Adult Cancer Ambulatory Care Unit (pdf)


Ambulatory Care Unit (ACU) - Introduction - YouTube

Out of hours support

People having myeloma treatment have access to our Triage Assessment Team. Triage provides out of hours advice for people who are worried about treatment side-effects or who feel unwell.


We may invite you to take part in a clinical trial.

For more information please visit: Research

Appointment enquiries

For all appointment enquiries, please telephone us.

Tel: 01865 235185


Further support

Myeloma UK provides information and support for people affected by myeloma.

They provide free online and printed information about types of myeloma, treatments and the practical and emotional aspects of living with myeloma.

Freephone helpline: 0800 980 3332

Last reviewed:04 October 2024