About us
In 2013, we recognised a need for a support service for patients and their families after discharge from hospital following treatment for subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH).
We consulted with patients, who drew attention to a lack of information available on discharge, and no one to contact after they got home. Many patients also wanted to talk to others with similar experiences.
This led to the setting up of our first SAH Focus Group, a free service for all SAH patients and their families.
Meetings are now held every four months and there is always tea and cake available. We have an average of over 25 people attending each time.
Each year we audit the need for the meetings, and the feedback supports the value of the group. The group aims to provide all attendees with a relaxed atmosphere, where they can meet people with a similar diagnosis and share coping strategies and stories.This is a really recommended stage of the recovery progress, and can often help to put the mind at rest.
At most sessions there are presentations by professionals on topics relevant to the group, and an opportunity to ask questions afterwards.
Issues highlighted by members at meetings are raised at OUH Neurosciences teaching days, helping to change and improve the experience of all our patients with this condition.
If you know of others who have had a subarachnoid haemorrhage and would like to join this group, please suggest that they contact us.
We hope to run the group monthly and in many other areas - for this we would need people from those areas to be involved, so please contact us if you are interested in helping.
Facebook group
Due to many patients living outside Oxford, a previous patient and his wife set up a Facebook group, for members to keep in touch 24/7 about issues they come across during their recovery.
Head2Head SAH Focus Group - Facebook
We would not be where we are today without the kindness of people. A huge thank you to a freelance graphic designer Steph Buncher.
She saw our poster on the ward area asking for a new logo design and came to our rescue. The group voted on her designs and chose this beauty. It is for gestures like this that we are truly grateful - thank you.

Last reviewed:09 January 2024