group two books
These are stories that have repetitive phrases, perfect for encouraging your child to join in. Support your child to engage with the story as you are reading, and then retell what happened at the end.
Here you will find ideas, activities and resources to support language development when reading these stories.
For more ideas and information, see our Resources and Launchpad Cards too.
Choose a story book (one of your own, or one from our resources section).
Pick a Launchpad Card (suitable for any book) or a Rocket Card (specific to the books listed).
Read the story with your child, and link in the advice from your Launchpad or Rocket Card.
Handa's Surprise

© 1994 Eileen Browne. HANDA'S SURPRISE by Eileen Browne. Reproduced by permission of Walker Books Ltd.
Handa takes a surprise treat to her friend Akeyo, but it seems there is a surprise for Handa too. A brightly illustrated introduction to some fruits, animals and landscape that might be new for your child.
Handa's Surprise Rocket Cards (pdf, 385 KB)
Handa's Surprise story cards (pdf, 184 KB)
Handa's Surprise full and empty board (pdf, 207 KB)
Star chart, stars, certificate - see Resources
We're Going on a Bear Hunt

© 1989 Michael Rosen. Illustrations © 1989 Helen Oxenbury. WE'RE GOING ON A BEAR HUNT. Reproduced by permission of Walker Books Ltd.
We love joining in with this classic tale, especially the opportunity to learn location words like 'under', 'over', 'through'.
We're Going on a Bear Hunt Rocket Cards (pdf, 380 KB)
We're Going on a Bear Hunt story cards (pdf, 172 KB)
We're Going on a Bear Hunt feelings game (pdf, 193 KB)
Star chart, stars, certificate - see Resources
The Smartest Giant in Town

© Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. Reproduced by permission of Macmillan Publishing.
He's the smartest, then the coldest, but always the kindest giant in town. George introduces us to the concept of kindness and helping your friends.
The Smartest Giant in Town Rocket Cards (pdf, 376 KB)
The Smartest Giant in Town story cards (pdf, 185 KB)
The Smartest Giant in Town kind scenario matching game (pdf, 190 KB)
The Smartest Giant in Town town game (pdf, 269 KB)
Star chart, stars, certificate - see Resources
Monkey Puzzle

© Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. Reproduced by permission of Macmillan Publishing.
Follow Monkey and his friend butterfly on their search to find his Mum. A great opportunity to focus on describing words, and for exploring the idea that different people have different knowledge.
Monkey Puzzle Rocket Cards (pdf, 380 KB)
Monkey Puzzle story cards (pdf, 188 KB)
Star chart, stars, certificate - see Resources
Last reviewed:11 November 2022