Oxford Maternal Medicine (Silver Star)
We care for those with medical conditions which either pre-date the pregnancy, such as hypertension or epilepsy, or which come to light during the course of the pregnancy, such as pre-eclampsia.
Your midwife, GP, specialist doctor / teams will refer you to these clinics as needed.
We are also the Maternal Medicine Centre for the Thames Valley Maternal Medicine Network. This brings together multidisciplinary specialist teams to ensure women across the region have timely access to the best medical advice during pregnancy.
Oxford is one of 17 new centres of excellence, receiving referrals from:
- Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
- Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust
- Great Western Hospital NHS Trust
- Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust
- Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust
- Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
What we offer
Pre-pregnancy Counselling
A clinic specifically for those contemplating or planning a pregnancy, but with a pre-existing medical condition, on long-term medications for a chronic disease, or have had a complicated pregnancy in the past.
Baseline Clinic
A preliminary consultation offered to those with a pre-existing medical condition, on long-term medications for a chronic disease, or who have had a complicated pregnancy in the past.
Maternal Medicine Clinic
Follow-up clinic for patients under our care. Face to face and virtual appointments offered as appropriate.
Joint Obstetric Medicine / Cardiology Clinic
A weekly clinic providing specialist care for those with significant heart disease.
Rapid Access Clinic
Urgent medical review for those with new or worsening medical symptoms in pregnancy.
Our team
We are a multidisciplinary team of highly trained professionals including consultants, specialty doctors and midwives based at the John Radcliffe Hospital.
We work closely with a large team of specialists, including but not limited to:
- Cardiologists
- Haematologists
- Neurologists
- Gastroenterologists
Find us and contact us
We are on Level 6 of the Women's Centre, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford.
Silver Star Unit
Level 6, Women's Centre
John Radcliffe Hospital
Headley Way
Oxford OX3 9DU
Tel: 01865 221710
How to find the John Radcliffe Hospital
Last reviewed:11 September 2023