When you become pregnant, informing a midwife is the first step towards arranging your antenatal care.
You will have a series of appointments supported by a midwife, and sometimes a doctor, to monitor the health of your pregnancy.
If you have just found out that you are pregnant, please complete this self-referral form providing as much information as possible.
Badger Notes - self-refer your pregnancy to Oxford University Hospitals
You can also refer on behalf of someone else.
One of your local midwives will contact you to arrange your first appointment.
Further support
If you have any difficulties completing the self-referral form, or if you have not had contact from a midwife, please contact your local Community Midwifery Team for more support.
You can find their contact details here:
Community Midwifery Teams - Antenatal Services
If you need support with your mental health, please visit:
Mental health
Medical conditions
If you have any ongoing medical conditions and/or take regular medication you should arrange to also speak to your GP surgery to discuss your individual needs as soon as possible.
You should also speak to your GP surgery at any time during your pregnancy, for any new illness that is not pregnancy-related.
Reproductive choices
If you are not sure whether to continue with your pregnancy, then please visit MSI reproductive choices to understand your options:
I am pregnant, what are my options? - MSI Reproductive Choices
or contact:
MSI Reproductive Choices UK
Tel: 0345 300 8090
National Unplanned Pregnancy Advisory Service (NUPAS)
Tel: 0333 004 6666