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Infant feeding resources

There is a lot of information available to support your infant feeding choices; here are some good links to get you started.

Breastfeeding information

How to know your baby is feeding well

Bottle feeding information (breast milk or formula)

Guidance on infant formula

The Chief Medical Officer and Director for Public Health Nursing in England have written to health professionals to restate existing guidance on preparing infant formula following some recent public debate about preparing formula at a temperature below 70°C.

"We would like to reiterate that the position of the Department of Health and the Food Standards Agency is, that it is best practice to make up infant feeds by reconstituting formula powder using water at a temperature of 70°C or above. This guidance is in line with World Health Organization recommendations and aims to ensure that the potential microbiological risks associated with these products are kept to a minimum."

Safer sleep

COVID-19 vaccines and breastfeeding

COVID-19 vaccines, pregnancy and breastfeeding - Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Statement on COVID-19 vaccines while breastfeeding - Breastfeeding Network

Last reviewed:06 December 2024