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Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)

CJD CSFs will have the same laboratory tests carried out as other CSF samples, however they will be processed with more safety precautions to protect laboratory staff.

Please ensure you contact contact us before sending the CSF sample.

It is also important to clearly mark the specimen / request card as CJD.

We do not routinely store CJD CSFs in the department; when we have finished the cell count and culture, any remaining sample will be sent for storage in Neuropathology in the West Wing.

If you wish to request testing for CJD, you should contact the clinical team at the:

National CJD Research & Surveillance Unit (NCJDRSU)

Tel: 0131 537 1980

to discuss.

They will decide whether the request is appropriate and ask you to fill in a request form.

Edinburgh will then arrange to pick up the specimen directly from Neuropathology.

Last reviewed:17 February 2023