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Oxford Kidney Unit

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Advice from the dietitians

The Specialist Kidney Dietitians (also known as Renal Dietitians) at Oxford University Hospitals work with people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and kidney stones, as well as those with kidney and pancreas transplants.

They see people and their families / carers to provide individualised and practical food-related advice.

How dietitians can help

Dietitians work closely with doctors, nurses and other health professionals within a 'multidisciplinary' team, to ensure a professional and comprehensive service.

The Specialist Kidney Dietitians are based at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford, but also cover our satellite units:

Pre-dialysis and some peritoneal dialysis patients are seen in joint clinics with the doctors and clinical nurse specialists.

Haemodialysis patients are seen at their respective dialysis units. Other kidney patients can be referred to a dietitian as needed.


We offer advice and support about the following.

Contact us

We can only provide advice or information if your kidney/nephrology care is under the Oxford Kidney Unit or Oxford Transplant Unit (Churchill Hospital).

This includes our satellite units:

Satellite units - Oxford Kidney Unit

Specialist Kidney Dietitians (Renal Dietitians): 01865 225061

If you do not attend these sites, please contact your local care team for support.

Further information

A healthy diet and lifestyle for your kidneys - Kidney Care UK

Patient leaflets

Our patient leaflets are listed in alphabetical order by title. Select a letter or select 'All'.

Last reviewed:07 February 2025