Quality Priorities
Each year we work with our patients, staff and commissioners to agree a number of priorities for development.
Working together to achieve quality
The Trust has a Quality Strategy aimed at building high quality healthcare based on national and international comparisons and to improve our performance in three key domains:
- Patient Safety
- Clinical Effectiveness
- Patient Experience
Our vision for quality is to be:
Recognised as one of the UK's highest quality healthcare providers. All our clinical services will provide high quality healthcare; some will provide care that is internationally outstanding.
Our quality domains apply to all staff and departments. We strive for excellence in healthcare by encouraging a culture of support, respect, integrity and teamwork; by monitoring and assessing our performance against national and international standards of care; by learning from our successes and setbacks; by striving to improve what we do through innovation and change; and by ensuring we work in partnership and collaboration with all local agencies of health and social care.
Our Quality Strategy has also been informed by both staff and patients through a number of workshops. We need to understand not only what quality means to us as healthcare professionals, but also what matters to our members, patients and their families. All service areas have developed posters outlining their quality priorities specific to their patients' needs and these are displayed in service areas.
Our aim is to deliver continuous improvement at all levels in the quality of our services in the pursuit of the best patient-centred care.
Our quality goals and priorities
We have always been committed to providing the highest standard of care and we listen to the views of our patients, our staff, our commissioners and other stakeholders to ensure we continue to deliver improvements.
Each year, we invite public and patients to tell us what matters to them to help inform our quality goals. Those attending highlight issues ranging from clinic appointment times to better communication and greater involvement in Trust service development.
Quality Priorities for 2025/26
Patient Safety
- System for Electronic Notification and Documentation (SEND)
- Medicines Reconciliation
- Fragility Fracture pathways - including fractured neck of femur pathway
Clinical Effectiveness
- Standard Work
- Outreach Services from Oxford Critical Care
- Discharges
Patient Experience
- Maternity Experiences
- ReSPECT (Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment)
- Supporting vulnerable patients including those with learning difficulties
Further information
Quality Accounts
For further information about our Quality Priorities, please see our Quality Accounts.
Last reviewed:13 March 2025