Strategic Partnership Board
The Strategic Partnership Board is chaired by Oxford University Hospitals Chair Professor Sir Jonathan Montgomery, and Vice Chancellor, University of Oxford, Professor Irene Tracey.
Membership includes the Trust Chief Executive Officer and Chief Medical Officer, University Head of the Medical Sciences Division and Regius Professor of Medicine.
The Board meets quarterly to identify joint strategic goals and support all major Partnership initiatives, with a specific focus on the Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (OxBRC).
Professor Sir Jonathan Montgomery
Chair, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Professor Irene Tracey
Vice Chancellor, University of Oxford

Board members
Biographies of OUH Board members can be found on Trust Board | Directors.
Professor Meghana Pandit
Chief Executive Officer, Oxford University Hospitals

Professor Sir John Bell
Regius Professor of Medicine, University of Oxford

Dr Andrew Brent
Chief Medical Officer, Oxford University Hospitals

Gill Aitken
Registrar, University of Oxford

Jason Dorsett
Chief Finance Officer, Oxford University Hospitals

Gavin Screaton
Head of the Medical Sciences Division, University of Oxford

Last reviewed:02 May 2024