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Oxford Craniofacial Unit team - other consultants and therapists

It may not be necessary for you or your child to meet everyone. However, it is important that you have access to the support and specialist care that you and your child may need.

Consultant Clinical Geneticists and Research Genetic Counsellor

Some craniofacial conditions are caused by an alteration in one of the genetic instructions. The Clinical Genetics Team provides advice on diagnosis, on the implications as regards to having further children, and on the availability of genetic tests for the conditions involved.

In addition Prof Wilkie directs a laboratory where research is undertaken to identify new genetic causes in those children for whom a genetic link is suspected, but the NHS testing has given normal results.

Dr Debbie Shears

Consultant Clinical Geneticist
Debbie Shears

Professor Andrew Wilkie

Honorary Consultant
Professor Andrew Wilkie

Clinical Psychologists

The role of the Clinical Psychologist is to offer support to patients and their families at whatever age or stage of treatment it may be needed. They can offer time to discuss concerns about development, behaviour, and self-image, and about how problems in these areas may be affecting life in the family, in the wider social world, and at school.

Clinical Psychology - Oxford Craniofacial Unit

Psychological Medicine - Oxford University Hospitals

Lydia Etheridge

Clinical Psychologist

Dr Corah Lewis

Clinical Psychologist

Dr Rosanna Samuel

Clinical Psychologist
Rosanna Samuel

Specialist Speech and Language Therapists

Our Speech and Language Therapists assess all aspects of feeding, speech, language and communication. The Speech and Language Therapy team monitors development in these areas and can provide support where necessary.

Their role also includes providing assessment and advice on difficulties with feeding and swallowing. The team liaises closely with local speech and language therapy services to ensure patients receive comprehensive care.

Speech and Language Therapy - Oxford Craniofacial Unit

Speech and Language Therapy - Oxford University Hospitals

Sarah Kilcoyne

Specialist Speech and Language Therapist
Sarah Kilcoyne

Sarah Overton

Specialist Speech and Language Therapist
Sarah Overton

Sally Brockbank

Specialist Speech and Language Therapist
Sally Brockbank

Consultant Ophthalmologists

One of the Ophthalmologists working with our team may perform a detailed examination of the patient's eyes.

Mr Darius Hildebrand

Consultant Ophthalmologist
Mr Darius Hildebrand

Mr Jonathan Norris

Consultant Ophthalmologist
Mr Jonathan Norris

Craniofacial Orthoptists

Most of our patients have their eyes assessed by the Craniofacial Orthoptist, who will check vision, assess how well the eyes work together (i.e. detect any squint) and whether the eye muscles are working normally. The Orthoptists will also liaise with local services where appropriate.

Ravi Purohit

Craniofacial Orthoptist
Ravi Purohit

Consultant Neuroradiologist

The Consultant Neuroradiologist provides reports for our CT and MRI scans.

Dr Fintan Sheerin

Consultant Neuroradiologist
Dr Fintan Sheerin
Last reviewed:23 January 2025