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Bus travel


Please check with the bus companies for the latest timetables and use a service such as Traveline to plan your journey.

Bus companies that come to JR Hospital

Park & Ride

If you need to travel by car, please consider using the Park & Ride service. The bus stops at the hospital a short distance from the main entrances.

Park & Ride service direct to hospitals

600 Park & Ride

Redbridge P&R / Science Park / Kassam Stadium / Templars Square / Cowley / Churchill / JR / Thornhill P&R

600 - Redbridge P&R to Thornhill P&R | Oxford Bus Company and Thames Travel

700 Park & Ride

Thornhill P&R / Headington / Churchill / JR / Northway / Summertown / Cutteslowe / Water Eaton / Kidlington

700 - Thornhill P&R to Kidlington | Oxford Bus Company and Thames Travel

Park & Ride buses Sundays / Bank Holidays

  • Redbridge
    to Oxford City Centre and change buses (see options below)
  • Oxford Parkway [Water Eaton]
    to Oxford City Centre and change buses (see options below)
  • Oxford Bus Company Park & Ride

Direct buses (bus stops on-site)

The Park & Ride service can also be used as a direct bus service to the John Radcliffe, picking up passengers at the stated locations, as well as the Park & Ride site.


Monday to Friday daytimes
Blackbird Leys / Templars Square / Hollow Way / Oxford Brookes University / John Radcliffe Hospital

BROOKESbusU5 timetable - Oxford Bus Company

Buses that stop in Headington

There are many, frequent bus services from Oxford city centre to Headington.

From bus stops at 'Headington shops' (either side of Windmill Road) it is 0.6 miles (12 minutes') walk to the John Radcliffe Level 2 main entrance via Osler Road, or 0.8 miles (15 minutes') walk (downhill) to the West Wing.

You can also reach the West Wing if you walk through the building.

8 City Centre / Headington / Barton / Risinghurst
8 timetable - Oxford Bus Company

280 Thame / Wheatley / Thornhill Park & Ride / Headington / City Centre
280 timetable - Oxford Bus Company

Last reviewed:24 February 2025