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Shining stars celebrated at first Quarterly Staff Recognition event


Thanking, celebrating and recognising colleagues and teams has never been more important in the NHS – effective recognition can make staff feel valued and engaged at work, enhance people's health and emotional wellbeing, and ultimately positively impact on patient care.

In response to staff feedback, in 2024 a holistic and year-round approach to recognition at OUH has been introduced:

  • New instant and monthly recognition schemes were launched in January and April respectively – since the Instant Recognition – A Note of Appreciation scheme was launched in January, 4,500+ Notes of Appreciation have been sent
  • The annual Staff Recognition Awards, which are generously supported by Oxford Hospitals Charity, saw a 50% year-on-year increase in nominations – 2,800+ nominations were made by staff in February and award winners were announced in September
  • Reporting Excellence, which is led by Consultant Cardiac Anaesthetist Elizabeth Russell and Consultant Paediatricians Alison Shefler and Rhiannon Furr, continues to go from strength to strength as a way of learning from positive events, sharing this learning, and improving patient care as a result – 2,900+ Reporting Excellence reports for colleagues and teams have been submitted by OUH staff in the past twelve months 
  • DAISY Awards continue to enable patients, families, and staff colleagues to recognise a registered nurse or midwife who has made a real difference through outstanding clinical care – there are some great examples on the Our Daisy Award Winners webpage.

The final piece in this jigsaw was completed when our first Quarterly Staff Recognition event was held at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford on Monday 18 November.

OUH Chief Executive Officer, Professor Meghana Pandit, and Chief Officers, including Yvonne Christley (Chief Nursing Officer), Terry Roberts (Chief People Officer), and Simon Crowther (Deputy Chief Executive Officer), celebrated colleagues working throughout the Trust.

Congratulations to all our shining stars who were celebrated at the Quarterly Recognition event:

  • Colleagues who were recognised for Long Service of 25 years and more
  • Staff whose excellent care, service and innovation meant that they have been highlighted through Reporting Excellence 
  • Quarterly Recognition winners who were nominated through the new Monthly Recognition – Stars of the Month scheme.

Staff recognition at OUH is led by our Culture & Leadership Service, working with colleagues throughout the Trust, and is generously supported by Oxford Hospitals Charity.

At a glance guide to OUH staff recognition channels

Pictured: OUH staff pictured at the Trust's first Quarterly Recognition celebration with CEO Professor Meghana Pandit (front row, fourth right), Chief Officers, and Culture & Leadership Service colleagues who organised the event (Credit: Caroline Green / Oxford Medical Illustration)