NF2 can have a physical, emotional and social impact on your wellbeing; being told you have a genetic condition can especially affect how you feel.
Physical and emotional changes in your health can lead to difficulties in personal relationships; these difficulties are understandable and quite normal.
Please do not be afraid to discuss emotional, physical or social problems with the Nf2 staff. They will be familiar with the problems you encounter, and will be supportive.
The NF2 service offers ongoing support to you throughout the year, not just when you are seen in clinic. If you feel any of these services may be useful to you, contact your NF2 nurse to discuss.
What we offer
- Nurse Practitioners
- Physiotherapy
- Clinical Psychologist
- Genetic counselling
- Helps you to understand the genetic aspects of NF2
- Suggests different ways to share information with family members
- Provides you with information about options for having a family
- Hearing therapy
- Advice on communication
- Lip-reading and sign language classes
- Hearing aids
- Communication aids: telephone, pager etc.
- Adjusting to hearing loss
- Hearing symptoms
- Speech difficulties
Neurofibromatosis Type 2 (NF2)
General information about the condition NF2
on the NHS website.
Can You Hear Us?
Dedicated to the needs of people with NF2.
Hearing loss
Action on Hearing Loss
Experts in providing support for people with hearing loss and tinnitus.
British Deaf Association
Day-to-day care, communication services and training, and also practical advice to help people protect their hearing.
British Tinnitus Association
Advice, guidance and information about tinnitus.
Independent living / jobs / benefits
Access to Work
Grants for practical employment support if you have a disability, health or mental health condition.
Citizens Advice
National charity helping people in financial hardship to gain access to welfare benefits, grants and support.
Last reviewed:24 August 2023