Our clinics
The Fracture Prevention Service (FPS) operates in a variety of locations across Oxfordshire.
The FPS team refers into the Specialist Metabolic Bone Service where appropriate - see below for additional details.
GPs can also refer into the Metabolic Bone Service:
Fracture Prevention community clinics
The Fracture Prevention clinics are run by nurse specialists for the assessment of patients with treatment recommendations to GPs and referrals to other specialists where appropriate. Outpatient appointments will usually take place around 2-6 weeks following a DEXA scan.
Outpatients Department
Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre
Windmill Road
Oxford OX3 7HE
How to find the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre
Tuesday mornings
Abingdon Community Hospital
Marcham Road
Abingdon OX14 1AG
Wednesday afternoons
Horsefair Surgery
South Bar House
South Bar Street
Banbury OX16 9AD
Friday mornings
Witney Community Hospital
Welch Way
Witney OX28 6JJ
Monday mornings
Specialist Metabolic Bone clinic
The Metabolic Bone consultants run weekly clinics for new referrals and follow-up visits. Also available are dietitian consultation and the Falls Nurse Specialist.
Outpatients Department
Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre
Windmill Road
Oxford OX3 7HE
How to find the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre
Telephone consultations
Tuesdays, weeks one, three and five of the month
Face to face
Tuesdays, week four of the month
Abingdon Community Hospital
Marcham Road
Oxfordshire OX14 1AG
Telephone consultations
Mondays, week four of the month
Bicester Community Hospital
Kings End
Bicester OX26 6DU
Telephone consultations
Wednesdays, week one of the month
Witney Community Hospital
Welch Way
Witney OX28 6JJ
Telephone consultations
Mondays, week three of the month
Last reviewed:21 November 2024