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Clinical Genetics referrals

How to refer a family

Please refer to us in writing. For urgent advice, please contact us directly.

GPs and hospital consultants should refer to the Genetic Consultant team with a referral letter summarising the reason for the referral.

If the referral is accepted, we will send your patient a link to an electronic form, for them to upload details of their family history.

If a relative has had genetic testing and a harmful gene alteration is known in a relative, please send us a copy of the relatives genetic report with the referral, if available.

Alternatively, please include details of the name of their relative who has previously had a genetic test, and which genetic centre, or where in the country, they were treated.

GP referrals should be sent via ERS.

Secondary care referrals should be via EPR or emailed.


Cancer referrals

Please complete the Cancer Genetics Referral Proforma summarising the reason for the referral and how they meet our referral criteria.

If the referral is accepted, we will send your patient a link to an electronic form, for them to upload details of their family history.

Please do not send in a paper copy of the family history questionnaire.

Please only send in a paper copy of the form if your patient is unable to access a computer or personal tablet to complete the electronic form:

Cancer Genetics Referral Proforma (Word, 85 KB)

For cancer referrals only, not general genetics referrals

Oxford Regional Cancer Genetic Service criteria (pdf, 196 KB)

If the patient, or a close relative of the patient, has previously been referred to us regarding their cancer risk, please state the family genetic case number or the name of their relative that has been seen by our department.

We will already have the relevant family history information from the previous referral.

If you have a query about storing DNA from a critically-ill patient, please contact us.

Array referrals

When you refer a child for assessment of an array abnormality, please supply recent clinical correspondence about the child.

Please check if you are being asked to take a repeat blood sample from the child. We will arrange parental blood samples. Please supply their details with your referral letter.

Referral to the Department of Clinical Genetics for Array CGH results with a copy number variant (pdf, 263 KB)

General referrals

If you are referring a patient for testing for a known genetic condition in the family, please supply as much information as possible about the affected individual.

Urgent referrals

For urgent advice, (e.g. during pregnancy or ward referrals) please contact us directly.

We run an 'on-call' service so that urgent families can be seen within a few days. This will usually be in Oxford, but it may be possible to see people in our peripheral clinics, nearer to where a family lives.

We do not accept referrals for Hypercholesterolemia or Hyperlipidaemia. Please refer to Prof Karpe's Lipid Clinic in OCDEM.


It is possible to arrange the services of a professional interpreter for many languages including British Sign Language. Please let us know in your referral letter if you require this service for your patient.

Where the family can be seen

General and cancer genetic clinics are held on a regular basis in Oxford hospitals (Churchill, John Radcliffe, Eye Hospital, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre) and at hospitals throughout the region.

We cover:

  • Oxfordshire
  • Berkshire
  • Buckinghamshire
  • Wiltshire.

We aim to run clinics near where patients live. Many of these clinics are held monthly. Initially we aim to see patients in the clinic nearest to their home; at times we may book them into another clinic to avoid delay in seeing them.

If you would like your patient to see a particular clinician (because of a known specialist interest) please make this clear in the referral letter. It is more likely that the patient will be offered an appointment in Oxford in this instance.

When to offer a family a genetics appointment

The most appropriate time for offering and giving genetic information will vary from family to family. This may be when the family is ready to take decisions about the future, when a diagnosis is needed or when advice is needed for a pregnancy.

It is best if the referral can be made before a pregnancy is planned, as other family members may need to be examined, or specialised tests performed. Some carrier detection tests are not accurate during pregnancy.

Training opportunities

Formal training opportunities are available within the Clinical Genetics Department for Genetic Counselling students and Specialist Registrars.

Contact us

Oxford Centre for Genomic Medicine

ACE building
Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre
Windmill Road
Oxford OX3 7HE

Tel: 01865 225931

    1. Appointments / enquiries
    2. Medical Secretaries
    3. 100,000 Genomes Project
    4. Cancer Triage Team


Maps and transport information for the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre

Genomic Practitioner Team

Tel: 01865 737863

Genetics Laboratories

For more information please see the Genetics Laboratories section.

Last reviewed:31 January 2025