Cognitive Disorders Clinic referrals
The Oxford Centre for Cognitive Disorders runs a weekly clinic for the assessment, diagnosis and management of patients, generally under the age of 65, with deterioration in cognitive function.
Patients may also be offered the opportunity to participate in research studies.
The majority of referrals to the Cognitive Disorders Clinic are of patients suspected of having early-onset dementia. The diagnosis of such patients is challenging as they may present with a wide variety of subtle behavioural, cognitive, psychiatric or neurological symptoms.
Early-onset dementia is increasingly recognised to be an important clinical and social problem, with major consequences for both the sufferer and those who care for them.
Moreover, younger people with dementia are more likely to be working at the time of diagnosis, have dependent children or offspring, have heavy financial commitments, and have an unusual or treatable form of dementia.
Our specialist, multidisciplinary service ensures that such patients receive the necessary treatment and support as soon as possible.
We also welcome referrals of patients with recurrent transient amnesia or isolated impairment of perception, language, memory or executive function as a result of brain disease.
The Cognitive Disorders Clinic is a joint venture between the Departments of Clinical Neurology (Professor Chris Kennard, Dr Chris Butler) and Clinical Neuropsychology (Dr Ian Baker).
Referrals can be made through e-Referral or by writing to:
Professor Masud Husain FMedSci
Professor of Neurology and Cognitive Neuroscience
Oxford Centre for Cognitive Disorders
Department of Clinical Neurology
Level 3, West Wing
John Radcliffe Hospital
Oxford OX3 9DU
Tel: 01865 231894
Last reviewed:21 February 2025