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Oxford Centre for Enablement (OCE)

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Specialist disability services referrals

Patients needing more specialist assessment and advice on equipment and technological aids to increase independence should be referred to the Specialist Disability Service.

The following points need to be considered.

  • Home visits are common because many of the patients have great difficulty in travelling, and also because the equipment must be appropriate to the person's own environment.
  • The service covers much of southern England, and sometimes further afield but is dependent upon having a contractual arrangement.
  • Liaison with local services is essential both to ensure as far as possible that funding of any recommended equipment is available and to ensure that the use of equipment is monitored and maximised by local clinicians.

Making a referral

Please complete the appropriate referral form for the SDS service you require.

If completing multiple forms for the same client, the demographic information on the first page need only be completed once.

Copies of other reports and assessments are useful in some instances in addition to the referral form.

Please return completed forms to us.


Specialist Disability Service, Oxford Centre for Enablement
Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre
Windmill Road
Oxford OX3 7HE

New referrals are considered on a weekly basis, and the referral outcomes might be as follows.

  • Considered appropriate and funded; the process is started.
  • Considered appropriate, but need to establish availability of funding.
  • Further information required from the referring person or others to determine most appropriate response.
  • Referral transferred to an alternative service within the centre.
  • Referral not considered appropriate for one or more reasons.

Contact will be made with the referring person immediately after the first meeting to confirm safe arrival of the referral and to inform of the initial decision.

Last reviewed:24 February 2025