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Clinical Haematology

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Lifestyle advice

We promote a healthy lifestyle for all our patients.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published recommendations for how to adopt a healthy lifestyle:

A healthy lifestyle - WHO recommendations

NHS England recommends that all adults participate in 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise (e.g. brisk walking) or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise (e.g. running) every week, as well as strength exercises on two or more days.

For more information about adopting a healthy lifestyle, please visit:

Here for Health

Physical health

Being physically active is important for people living with haemophilia.

Joint health

Regular physical activity, including exercises prescribed by physiotherapists, helps improve joint health by enhancing muscle strength and flexibility. Strong muscles provide better support to the joints, reducing the risk of bleeds and minimising the impact on the joints during physical activity.

Bone density

Maintaining bone density through weight-bearing and resistance exercise can help to prevent osteoporosis.

Prevention of bleeding episodes

Engaging in controlled and tailored physical activities helps maintain cardiovascular fitness and strengthens the muscles around joints improving balance. This can decrease the risk of bleeding episodes, improve, and maintain balance contributing to better overall health.

Improvement in overall health

Physical activity is essential for maintaining a healthy weight, improving cardiovascular health, and enhancing overall wellbeing. This contributes to better management of haemophilia and reduces the risk of complications associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

Enhanced quality of life

Being physically active can improve confidence, mood and social interaction. It allows individuals with haemophilia to engage more fully in daily activities, leading to a better quality of life.

Physiotherapy support

If you are taking up a new sport or physical activity, do talk to your Physiotherapy team, as we may need to consider the suitability of certain sports and activities in relation to your treatment.

We can discuss how to help you become more active, and design a personalised exercise regimen that caters to your specific needs and limitations.

Further information

Exercise, physical activity and healthy eating -

Living an Active Lifestyle with a Bleeding Disorder -

Playing it safe (pdf) - National Hemophilia Foundation

Haemactive app

HaemActive app -

Mental health

The physical impact of living with haemophilia is well-documented, but the psychological, mental and emotional impacts are not so obvious. Research even suggests that more people with haemophilia live with depression, anxiety and ADHD compared to the general population

Whether you are living with a bleeding disorder or caring for someone who does, if you need support with your mental health and emotional wellbeing, please let us know, so we can help.

Please also visit:

Psychology | OHTC - Clinical Haematology

Last reviewed:19 April 2024