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National award for OUH doctor

This article is more than two years old.

An OUH doctor has won a College Medal from the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCOA).

Dr Kirstin May, who is based at the Horton General Hospital, was awarded for her work as a role model for the SAS grade. Throughout her time on the College Council, she "strove tirelessly to improve all aspects of life for SAS grade doctors […] She practices independently and has held positions of responsibility."

Dr May has worked at OUH since 1998, and is an Associate Specialist in Anaesthesia. As a Staff grade, Associate Specialist, and Specialty (SAS) doctor, she has worked clinically at the Horton General Hospital, the John Radcliffe Hospital, and the Women's Centre, and represented her colleagues on numerous Trust committees. She has achieved senior positions in her six years as a Trustee and member of the RCoA Council. She also was the Chair of the SAS committee at the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) for three years.

Dr May said: 'I am delighted and honoured that the Royal College of Anaesthetists has recognised my volunteer work and years of service on its Council, Boards, and committees by awarding me the College Medal.

'I hope this will demonstrate that senior doctors on alternative career tracks can make a meaningful contribution to medical politics, patient safety issues, governance, and professional bodies within the NHS.'

Dr Robbie Kerry, Deputy Head of Anaesthetics at OUH and Dr May's line manager, said: 'Kirstin has been a valued member of our Horton family for over 23 years. She is a dedicated colleague and it has been an honour to work with her during my time in the anaesthetics department.

'This is a well-deserved award and we are all proud of her wide achievements, particularly as a role model for our specialty and all SAS doctors.'

Pictured: Dr Kirstin May