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We're here for everyone.

The Chaplaincy team includes representatives from various traditions and has a number of contacts with other faith traditions who are able to visit patients and equally supports people of any faith, belief group or worldview.

Contact us

24 hour on-call service

On-call Chaplains are available 24 hours a day throughout the year. To call out a Chaplain at any time, phone 0300 304 7777, say 'Operator', and when answered ask them to page the On-call Chaplain.

Working hours / non-urgent

Tel: 01865 857921
Monday to Friday 8.00am - 4.00pm

Non-urgent email:

About us

The Chaplaincy team includes representative ministers from various traditions. We work with faith advisors and trained volunteers from a wide range of faith backgrounds and traditions, to provide respectful and comprehensive spiritual care to all our patients, families and staff.

We can offer advice on cultural and religious issues and concerns related to all aspects of hospital care. We can also contact local or nominated ministers, priests or faith leaders for you or your family members.

Need to talk?

Coming into hospital for any reason, or visiting somebody who is in pain or distress, can be an unsettling experience. Questions, fears and anxieties can affect your wellbeing and ability to adjust to the demands of illness and treatment.

We have time to listen

Chaplains are integral members of the healthcare team, employed to care for the pastoral and spiritual needs of the whole hospital community - regardless of their beliefs.

We offer confidential, professional support and pastoral counselling in a friendly and unhurried manner.

Although we regularly visit the wards, we may miss you, or you may be busy when we call in. Please ask your nurse if you would like us to call again.

Our team

As a team we are happy to provide pastoral and spiritual care for all members of the Trust community whatever their background.

However, if you require support specifically from a member of a faith tradition not represented by our team, please contact us, as we are able to advise on most spiritual / religious issues and have extensive local contacts from a variety of faith backgrounds.

Church of England

The Rev'd Ruth Fitter, the Rev'd Rachel Cross, the Rev'd Jo Snelling and the Rev'd Jon Williams are all ordained priests of the Church of England.

Ruth Fitter, Interim Lead Chaplain

Ruth Fitter

Rachel Cross

Rachel Cross

Jo Snelling

Jo Snelling

Jon Williams

Jon Williams

United Reformed Church

The Rev'd Cara Heafey is an ordained minister of the United Reformed Church.

Cara Heafey

Cara Heafey

Roman Catholic Church

Fr Emmanuel Ogunnaike and Fr Tony Bassey are ordained priests of the Roman Catholic Church.

Emmanuel Ogunnaike

Emmanuel Ogunnaike

Tony Bassey

Tony Bassey

Imam and Muslim Chaplain

Imam Bilal Asif is an Imam and Muslim Chaplain.

Bilal Asif

Bilal Asif

Honorary Hindu Chaplain

Shaunaka Rishi Das is an Honorary Hindu Chaplain.

Shaunaka Rishi Das

Shaunaka Rishi Das

About the team

As a team we are happy to provide pastoral and spiritual care for all members of the Trust community whatever their background.

However, if you require support specifically from a member of a faith tradition not represented by our team, please contact us, as we are able to advise on most spiritual / religious issues and have extensive local contacts from a variety of faith backgrounds.


While the whole Chaplaincy team works across all Trust sites, chaplains are often based in the following locations.

John Radcliffe Hospital

  • The Rev'd Ruth Fitter
  • Fr Emmanuel Ogunnaike
  • Fr Tony Bassey
  • The Rev'd Jo Snelling
  • Imam Bilal Asif

Churchill Hospital / Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre

The Rev'd Cara Heafey

Horton General Hospital

  • The Rev'd Ruth Fitter
  • The Rev'd Jo Snelling

Sobell House Hospice

  • The Rev'd Rachel Cross
  • The Rev'd Jon Williams

Katharine House Hospice

The Rev'd Jo Snelling

Quiet spaces

Spaces for prayer and worship are available on all sites. All prayer spaces are kept open 24 hours a day. Resources are available for people from all faith backgrounds and traditions, including prayer mats and a selection of spiritual reading.

John Radcliffe Hospital

Chapel / prayer room, main corridor, Level 2

Smaller prayer space, LG2, West Wing

Churchill Hospital

Quiet space opposite WHSmith, main entrance, Surgery and Diagnostics

Chapel / prayer room close to OCDEM, access via old main entrance, Car Park 4

Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre

The Sanctuary: a prayer space on the first floor

Horton General Hospital

Chapel / prayer room on the main corridor

Sobell House Hospice

The Sanctuary on the main inpatient corridor

Katharine House Hospice

The Sanctuary on the main corridor

Religious services

Chaplains are available to pray with, or for, patients and families. Religious ministry from all faith traditions can be arranged on request.

Public services of various traditions may be held from time to time in the hospital chapels or prayer rooms.

Please contact the Chaplains for more information.

Christian sacraments of communion / mass or anointing the sick at the bedside are available on request.

Islamic Friday prayers

Friday 1.00pm
Prayer room, Level 2 John Radcliffe Hospital near main entrance

Friday 1.15pm
Old Chapel,Churchill Hospital

Roman Catholic Mass

Wednesday 1.00pm
Chapel, Level 2 John Radcliffe Hospital

Christian service of prayer and worship

Every other Saturday 11.30am
Chapel, Horton General Hospital

Reflective service

Most Mondays and Thursdays 12 noon
Sanctuary, Katharine House Hospice

Staff support

Chaplains are available for confidential staff support, informal listening, pastoral debriefing and education.

Visiting ministers and faith leaders

Please see our guidance for visiting ministers and faith leaders at the link below.

Guidance for visiting ministers and faith leaders (pdf, 180 KB)

Last reviewed:04 February 2025