Social wellbeing
Human beings are natural social beings with an evolutionary desire to be with, around or connected to others.
It generates feelings of safety, happiness and belonging, all of which contribute to our sense of wellbeing.
This page contains information, groups and networks within OUH that can contribute to our social wellbeing.
OUH staff networks
Our staff networks offer safe spaces for the discussion of topics and issues that concern and impact on our staff.
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Staff Network
We are an inclusive group of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) OUH staff, with a vision to promote equality, diversity and inclusivity, raise the profile of issues of race, ethnicity and cultural heritage, and forge links with other networks locally, nationally and internationally.
LGBT+ Staff Network
Our LGBT+ Staff Network offers support to colleagues within the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans communities. Our activities are wide ranging, so please do contact us if you would like to find out more.
Disability and Accessibility Network (DAN)
Our Disability and Accessibility Network (DAN) is for anyone with an interest in supporting disabled staff and carers, to highlight barriers that they may face and to influence our Trust to resolve these. It offers the opportunity to connect with other interested people, so please join our mailing list and receive updates.
Women's Network
We work with our stakeholders and Executive Sponsor to deliver meaningful change to our members and women across the Trust. Our vision is to promote a culture of openness and fairness for all women across the Trust by inviting dialogue around key issues such as gender pay gap and gender equity.
Young Apprentices Network
Our Young Apprentices Network is for apprentices who are under 25 and in the early stages of their career on an apprenticeship programme in the Trust. It provides a supportive environment for OUH apprentices to gain enrichment opportunities, to be empowered to speak up and to develop transferable workplace skills within OUH and across Oxfordshire.
Our Chaplains offer confidential professional support and pastoral counselling to staff in a friendly and unhurried manner.
The team includes representatives from Christian and Muslim faiths, but equally supports people of any faith or belief group, and also those without faith.
24 hour on-call service
On-call Chaplains are available 24 hours a day throughout the year. To call out a Chaplain at any time, phone 0300 304 7777, say 'Operator', and when answered ask them to page the On-call Chaplain.
Working hours / non-urgent
Tel: 01865 857921
Monday to Friday 8.00am - 4.00pm
Non-urgent email:
For more information please visit: Chaplaincy
Kindness into Action
Culture change programme enhancing our understanding of the values of kindness and providing tools, techniques, and resources to use in our everyday working lives to practice kinder leadership and teamwork skills. Funded by BOB ICS.
Freedom to Speak Up (FtSU) Guardians
We recognise that to deliver excellent patient care we must look after the physical and emotional needs of our staff.
If you are aware of a situation that is adversely affecting your, or your colleagues', health and wellbeing, or you witness an incident of incivility, please do discuss this with your line manager, or seek the support of your Wellbeing Team.
If you feel they cannot help, or you need extra support, then please contact the Freedom to Speak Up Team and tell us about it, so we can suggest ways to address the situation.
You can speak to our Freedom to Speak Up Guardians in confidence.
Tel: 07500 107889
Arts for staff wellbeing
Artlink, the OUH arts programme funded by Oxford Hospitals Charity, offers a range of creative projects and resources for staff to help you relax, unwind and decompress.
We offer you and your team the chance to use the arts to celebrate your team or take some important time for yourself - whether just a few minutes on your break or when switching off at the end of a busy day.
Find out more via the Artlink website or search 'Artlink' on the OUH intranet.
OUH staff choirs
OUH One Voice Wellbeing Choir
Mondays 5.15pm - 6.15pm
OxHEC, John Radcliffe Hospital
Soulful, funky pop music and traditional songs from around the world, and more.
Songs will mainly be 'acapella' - that is, just voices, taught 'listen and repeat' style; no need to read music and no experience required.
Supported by Oxford Hospitals Charity - for more information email:
Horton Power Choir
Wednesdays 4.30pm - 5.30pm and again 6.30pm - 7.30pm
Lecture Theatre, Horton General Hospital
Free for all staff and volunteers - no experience is needed, just enthusiasm. Anyone can learn to sing.
For more information email:
OUH Book Club
Third Monday of each month
12 noon - 1.00pm
Beeson Room, Cairns Library, Level 3 Academic Centre, John Radcliffe Hospital
1.00pm - 2.00pm
MS Teams
The same book will be covered at both the in person and online session.
Sign up for the OUH Book Club
For more information email:
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Guide to health and wellbeing - In this guide
Last reviewed:07 January 2025