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Most new patients come to us via the team that has diagnosed their cancer.
This department offers a full non-surgical oncology service for all adult solid malignancies.
It also offers radiotherapy for some haematological malignancies, and any children requiring radiotherapy for malignant disease.
Leukaemia and lymphomas should initially be referred to Clinical Haematology and children should be referred to Paediatric Oncology.
If a GP has made a diagnosis of cancer and wants to refer directly to Oncology they can do so by sending an electronic referral to one of the email addresses below.
We will arrange for the patient to be seen by the appropriate team.
Melanoma: oncology1@ouh.nhs.uk
Thyroid: oncology1@ouh.nhs.uk
Head and Neck / Skin: oncology1@ouh.nhs.uk
Late Effects: oncology1@ouh.nhs.uk
LGI / Colorectal: oncology1@ouh.nhs.uk
Hepatobiliary: oncology1@ouh.nhs.uk
Brain / CNS: oncology1@ouh.nhs.uk
UGI: oncology1@ouh.nhs.uk
CUP: oncology1@ouh.nhs.uk
Lung: oncology3@ouh.nhs.uk
Gynae: oncology3@ouh.nhs.uk
Breast: oncology3@ouh.nhs.uk
Prostate: prostate.oncology@ouh.nhs.uk
Bladder / Renal: bladder-renal.oncology@ouh.nhs.uk
Germcell / Testicular: testicularcancer@ouh.nhs.uk
Sarcoma: sarcoma.oncology@ouh.nhs.uk
Tel: 01865 235185