Skull base tumour referrals
The Skull Base Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) meeting is held every fortnight, on the first and third Wednesday of the month between 2.00pm and 5.00pm.
The team meets to carefully discuss all referrals to ensure that patients have the appropriate investigations and are seen by the most appropriate service.
Our Pituitary MDT is held every month, but patients are discussed and seen jointly on a weekly basis (Tuesdays) by our pituitary endocrinologists and surgeons.
For all non-emergency skull base referrals kindly complete the referral form at the link below:
Oxford Skull Base Tumour MDT Referral Form (Word, 89 KB)
and email it to the MDT Co-ordinator:
If you have any questions regarding outcomes or referrals, please contact the MDT Co-ordinator:
Tel: 01865 227344
For all non-emergency tumours in the pituitary region kindly email your referral to:
If you have any questions regarding your referral please contact the Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism (OCDEM):
Tel: 01865 857334
For all emergency skull base and pituitary referrals we have a 24 hour on-call emergency Neurosurgical service.
Referrals should be made using the Online Acute Referral System (OARS).
If the referral is concerning a time critical transfer e.g. expanding mass lesion, if you are actively treating the patient e.g. trauma resuscitation, or you have difficulty using the system, please telephone the OUH switchboard and ask to be put through to the Neurosurgical Registrar on-call.
Tel: 0300 304 7777
Last reviewed:30 January 2025