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Oxford Non-respiratory Sleep Disorders Service referrals

The Oxford Sleep Clinic provides a supra-regional service covering South Central England and is based in the Neurosciences Department, West Wing, John Radcliffe Hospital.


  • Dr Mkael Symmonds (Lead for Sleep Disorders Service)
    Consultant in Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
  • Dr Ben Seymour
    Consultant Neurologist
  • Dr Sidra Aurangzeb
    Consultant in Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology

Conditions seen

We see patients with primary sleep disorders including the following conditions:

  • Parasomnias - episodic behaviours/experiences from sleep, including:
    • sleepwalking
    • night terrors
    • REM sleep behaviour disorder
    • nightmare disorder
  • Suspected nocturnal epilepsy
  • Unexplained excessive daytime sleepiness (not caused by sleep apnoea)
  • Restless leg syndrome and periodic leg movement disorder
  • Circadian rhythm disorders:
    • delayed or advanced sleep phase disorder
    • jet lag syndrome
    • non 24 hour sleep wake cycle disorders.
    • shift work disorders

We accept referrals from GPs or other hospital specialists.


Referrals should be made by post or email:

Oxford Neurology (Non-Respiratory) Sleep Disorders Service
Department of Clinical Neurophysiology
John Radcliffe Hospital
Oxford OX3 9DU


Tel: 01865 231817 (Reception)

We are also happy to discuss referrals or give advice to medical professionals.

For some patients, further tests or assessments are needed for investigation. We will ask them to complete a sleep disorders questionnaire.

Sleep questionnaire for adults and children aged 11+ years (pdf, 275 KB)

They may need to complete a sleep diary.

Sleep studies, where needed, are carried out by our team of Physiologists in the Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, either with outpatient testing, including actigraphy and home polysomnography, or as an inpatient in our Sleep Unit.


Please refer directly to the Paediatric Non-respiratory Sleep Disorders Service.

Sleep Apnoea Assessment

Please send referrals for Sleep Apnoea Assessment directly to the Respiratory Disorders Sleep Centre at the Churchill Hospital.

Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

For referrals for Excessive Daytime Sleepiness, please include a completed Epworth Sleepiness Score.


The first line recommended treatment for insomnia is with cognitive and psychological methods to improve sleep patterns, called Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I):

Insomnia - National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

Due to resource limitations, we are unable to offer a CBT-I therapy programme from the Neurology Sleep Clinic, but this can be accessed locally via referral to community psychology services.

Usually these services accept patient self-referrals:

Online CBT-I programmes are also available.

Insomnia in the context of significant psychiatric disorders can be referred to Adult Mental Health services for management advice.

We are able to advise if:

  • another sleep disorder is suspected
  • there is doubt regarding the diagnosis
  • insomnia has not responded to treatment in primary care including CBT-I.

In this case, it is helpful to forward details of the CBT-I assessment and treatment and include a sleep disorders questionnaire with the referral.


Last reviewed:02 November 2023