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It is Trust policy for all new members of staff to attend a corporate welcome upon starting employment, both as an introduction to the Trust's vision and values and as the first stage of their personal development plan.

This reflects our commitment to delivering compassionate excellence and ensuring that all staff are competent in relation to their statutory and mandatory competence requirements.

Corporate welcome

This takes place from 8.00am - 4.00pm on a Monday and includes a presentation by a member of the Trust Executive Board.

The programme is as follows:

Time Topics / Rationale
08:00-09:30 HR Recruitment
09:30-09:45 Introduction and housekeeping
Structure of the day / set the mood / roles and expectations
09:45-10:00 Welcome to OUH
Executive Director introduction video

Getting to know each other
What is Compassionate Excellence?

  • Turning values into action
  • Turning actions into standards; customer care
  • E-LMS
10:45-11:00 Break - tea/coffee
11:00-12:00 Information Governance and Completion of IG Workbook
12:00-13:00 Quality Assurance and Risk
13:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-13:45 Oxford Hospitals Charity
13:45-14:00 E-Rostering
14:00-14:45 Dignity in Dementia
14:45-15:15 Safeguarding
15:15-15:30 Radiation in Hospitals
15:30-15:45 Cairns Library
15:45-16:00 Communications


All new staff are required to complete a checklist within three months of their welcome date. This is an e-assessment that also includes actions that require completing within the first week of employment. More information is available on the OUH intranet (available to staff only) or ask your line manager for details.

Temporary staff

Temporary staff (including agency staff, volunteers and students working in the Trust) receive an induction through their own organisation in line with the Trust requirements and need to complete a Temporary Staff Checklist which is kept by their line manager and must be produced if requested.