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NHS Staff Survey results published


The results of the NHS Staff Survey 2024 were published nationally today (Thursday 13 March) on the NHS Staff Survey website – our results are available via the 'View Local Results' link.

In total, 7,212 Oxford University Hospitals (OUH) staff had their say and made their voice heard by completing the annual survey which was open from 23 September to 29 November 2024.

OUH's overall Staff Survey results were better than the national average for acute and acute and community trusts in relation to the seven NHS People Promise elements and the theme of Staff Engagement, while we were slightly below average for the theme of Morale.

Three key areas in which OUH's survey scores remained above the national average included:

  • 77.5% of staff agree that patient care is OUH's top priority – the national average is 74.4%
  • 72.4% of staff would be happy with the standard of care provided at OUH if a friend or relative needed treatment – the national average is 70.9%
  • 61.7% of staff would recommend OUH as a place to work – the national average is 60.9%

The introduction of a Values Based Appraisal (VBA) window at OUH for the last three years has had a positive effect – 94.4% of OUH staff who took part in the Staff Survey 2024 reported that they had an appraisal in the previous 12 months, compared with 72% in 2021. The national average is 85.1%. Our OUH appraisal rate is now the best of any acute or acute and community trust.

Colleagues who took part in the Staff Survey were positive about their teams and line managers, with scores improving year on year and above the national average for acute or acute and community trusts.

Areas for continued focus include questions relating to time pressures, conflicting demands on staff time at work, balancing work and home life, and staffing levels.

In a personal message to all OUH staff following publication of the Staff Survey results today, Terry Roberts (Chief People Officer) said: "Having so many of our people take part in the survey is important so we hear what is working well for you at OUH and what could be even better, so that together we can make OUH a great place to work where we all feel we belong – which is the vision of our OUH People Plan.

"Trustwide actions in response to the overall Staff Survey results will be aligned with your feedback from our OUH People Plan listening events and will be reflected in the next phase of the People Plan.

"We invite you to actively participate in the team sessions that will be taking place. This is your opportunity to discuss your Staff Survey results together and, more importantly, to co-create and implement actions plans that will drive real change and make your working life even better."