Update on Council of Governors election
Following a fantastic response to our recent call for nominations for our governor vacancies, the Declaration of Results for each constituency is available on the UK Engage website.
New governors will be contacted and will then take part in an induction programme which will include information about their role, learning from the experience of other governors, and clarity about their responsibilities and those which are exercised by the Board of Directors.
About the Council of Governors
The Council of Governors is made up of governors elected by public and staff members, as well as appointed representatives from local organisations that we work with.
The Trust is accountable through our membership and Council of Governors to our local communities.
The Council of Governors is chaired by the Trust's Chairman and comprises:
- 16 Public governors (elected by the public members)
- six Staff governors (elected by the staff members)
- eight Stakeholder governors (appointed by stakeholder organisations).
The governors play a valuable role by holding our Non-executive Directors to account, ensuring that the interests of the Trust's members are taken into account, and helping to shape our plans for the future.
Our Council of Governors was set up with an election cycle of alternate years so that not all the governors are up for election at once. This is to maintain some continuity and experience on the Council.
If you are interested in standing for election to the Council of Governors, we will be holding further elections in 2027. To stand for election you must be a member of the Trust, which you can do by signing up online:
Foundation Trust membership