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Getting in gear in aid of seriously ill children

This article is more than five years old.

A dedicated nurse for children suffering with chronic blood conditions will exchange the hospital wards for a classic car to raise awareness and funds in support of Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity.

Lesley McCarthy, who works at Oxford Children's Hospital, will be joined by husband Tony on a five-day road trip from Oxford to Rochester in a Citroen 2CV - named Florence.

The fundraising pair will pull out of the John Radcliffe Hospital site on Tuesday 30 April 2019, finishing in Rochester four days later (Saturday 4 May) at a showcase event with the charity.

En route, they will visit hospitals in Southampton, Portsmouth, Guildford, Basildon, Dartford and Rochester for fundraising events and activities.

Lesley, who looks after around 150 children across the Thames Valley, is a Roald Dahl nurse specialising in non-malignant haematology. Her role, funded by the charity, is to support children and their family from diagnosis and through the transition into adult services.

Since beginning in her role in April 2018, Lesley has been the Trust's specific nurse for children suffering from non-cancerous blood disorders, such as Sickle Cell disease, Thalassaemia or other red cell conditions, based at Oxford Children's Hospital.

Lesley, a Paediatric Haemoglobinopathy Nurse Specialist at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said: "As a Roald Dahl nurse, I can see first-hand how we are making a difference.

"My role helps the child and family in numerous ways, from supporting at diagnosis, navigating around the health system, and educating and empowering them to manage their condition.

"I also provide support in schools and the community to ensure they are able to enjoy their life like any other child, and to then facilitate their transition to adult services. As a specialist nurse, I am the first point of call for most families and am accessible to them.

"It is a privilege to be part of their journey and a really rewarding and enjoyable role. The charity has identified a need and they fund the posts in collaboration with the NHS - it's a great concept.

"By taking the car on the road and meeting up with other Roald Dahl nurses we hope to raise awareness of the charity, and promote the specialist OUH nursing role for children at the Children's Hospital."

The idea for the 'Follow Florence' tour came from husband Tony, who has worked for Citroen and has a small collection of 2CVs.

The drivers behind the trip are 'the big 70': 70 years of the NHS (last year), 70th anniversary of the iconic 2CV design, and the 70 Nurses funded across the UK by Roald Dahl's Charity.

Lesley works alongside other healthcare professionals, including consultants and emergency department staff to coordinate care and support the whole family.

Lesley's impact has been felt not only by those in her care, but also other healthcare professionals at Oxford Children's Hospital, including Consultant Paediatric Haematologist Dr Amrana Qureshi.

She said: "Lesley has enhanced our service enormously as she provides the key community support that patients and their families need. She allows holistic care and support to be delivered to all these patients with a chronic condition, which is what they really want and deserve."

Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity provides over 70 specialist nurses who are funded by the charity to support 21,000 seriously ill children across the UK.

Katie Greig, Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity Fundraising and Programmes Support Officer, said: "With money raised from fantastic fundraising activities such as the one Lesley is holding, we can plan better for the future, ensuring that more children, young people and families get the support they deserve.

"As a former nurse, I have seen the real benefit expert care can bring for families facing serious illness. Lesley's dedication to the nursing profession and to the charity is truly marvellous."

Donate via the JustGiving page, and keep an eye on #FollowFlorence on Twitter for updates of the journey.

Pictured: from left; Florence the car; Lesley McCarthy, OUH Paediatric Haemoglobinopathy Nurse Specialist, and Tony, Lesley's husband.